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原來脸上的青春痘,痤疮暗疮,酒渣鼻,粉刺是螨虫所引起的。So, rosacea and acne is caused by mites.


Elder doctors believe that acne and pimples is caused by endocrine disorders, heat, angry, excessive skin oil secretion, and excessive secretion of sex hormones. For years, doctors have impletement their treatment based on the theories, but always, people found it is less effective, and the problems relapse, whereby these had made people extremely distressed.


In recent years, the world's leading biomedical researcher, Professor Zhao has do his practices through continuous research and clinical practice, and he found that the acne, rosacea are not directly caused by the factors mentioned above, but is infected by a human parasite called demodex(An inflammation of the skin caused by acne) In modern medicine, rosacea , acne, pimples are relatively referred to as "mite dermatitis", this argument is recognized the world medical community.


Mites are not bacteria, it is categorize as parasites. There are various type of Mites can be found on earth, such as: skin mites, leather mites, dust mites, scabies mites. These mites will not cause acne, acne, rosacea. ? Mites that makes acne or rosacea are called human demodex. Human demodex parasite mainly exhibit in suitable temperature or humidity places for its growth and reproduction, that is, a person's face and chest and back, hair follicles, sebaceous glands. Human demodex mite is also divided into two type, which is sebum and hair follicles demodex. Some of the hair follicles demodex we call it as trichocryptosis, trichocryptosis is one of the most devastating skin mites.

据世界卫生组织调查统计,人类蠕形螨在人群中感染率平均为60%,致病率高达10%以上,所谓的致病率就是我们俗称的青春痘、酒渣鼻、痤疮、粉刺。以前由于医学研究的局限性,各种致病诱因学说繁多而无定论. 故医师只好按照自己认为的来选择药物治疗青春痘、痤疮、酒糟鼻,往往疗效不佳,致使炎症反复发作,久而久之就遗留了永久性疤痕。

According to the World Health Organization statistics, averagely 60% of the population infected human Demodex, where by the morbidity is up to 10%, the so-called morbidity is commonly known as acne and rosacea. Because of the limitations of previous medical studies, there are no conclusive theory to explain what is the main causes of having acne. Physicians make their own assumption take different consideration on the use of drug to treat acne, rosacea. It resulted in poor efficacy, recurrent inflammation. As time passes, it left a permanent scar to the patient.


After forty years of clinical research practice of Professor Zhao, he had made a conclusion that the cause of acne and rosacea is due to human Demodex infection. Acne, rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis should be diagnosed as " Demodex dermatitis ", the doctrine had been generally agree by Chinese and western medicine experts.

治疗酒渣鼻 Rosacea Treatment


治疗螨虫 Skin Mites Treatment

痤疮暗疮疤痕 Acne scars


青春痘药品 Acne Drug

治疗毛孔粗大 Enlarged pores treatment

治疗油性皮肤 Oily skin treatment

治疗青春痘 ance Treatment

詳情詢問,請撥打美麗熱線 : 03-87371108 (i Perfect Beauty 愛完美)

For more enquiries, please call : 03-87371108 (i Perfect Beauty 愛完美)

No 1-1 ,Jalan KP 1/8,Kajang Prima 43000 Kajang Selangor.

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